In a coastal town steeped in legend, a young adventurer discovers an ancient map hidden in their late grandfather’s belongings. The map reveals the location of a lost pirate treasure said to be buried on a remote island. The adventurer embarks on a perilous journey filled with treacherous waters, jungle traps, and rival treasure hunters. Guided by clues from the map, our hero faces challenges that test their courage, resolve and resilience. A final riddle that leads them to a hidden cavern deep within the island. Inside, the treasure—a chest overflowing with gold and jewels. Victorious, the hero returns home, where they realize that the true treasure lies in the journey and the courage found along the way. Music selections include original music by Joshua V. Hinkel and Aaron Railey with excerpts of the famous shanty “Wellerman” and Disney’s “Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me)”.
*Licensing Required. Contact us for details.
- PDF score
- PDF parts
- MP3 recordings
- MainStage File – Sound FX (Requires MIDI Keyboard, Apple MainStage)
- Flute
- Clarinet 1, 2
- Bass Clarinet (optional)
- Alto Sax 1, 2
- Tenor Sax (optional)
- Bari Sax (optional)
- Trumpet 1, 2
- Horn in F
- Low Brass 1, 2
- Low Brass T.C.
- Tuba
- Snare Drum
- (Tenors available upon request)
- Bass Drums – 4 Drums (3 or 5 drum parts available upon request)
- Synthesizer
- Marimba – Two parts
- Vibraphone – Two parts
- Glockenspiel
- Auxiliary Percussion – Two parts
- MainStage Files included